Join SMILE Community

    Join the SMILE Community.
    Become part of the SMILE community and help shape the future of mental health. We invite you to engage with us in the following areas:

    - Policy: Contribute to shaping mental health policies through policy development and advocacy.
    - Business: Explore partnership opportunities, discover innovative market solutions, and learn about post-project development initiatives.
    - Academic Research: Collaborate on research projects and access our latest scientific findings.
    - Teaching: Discover innovative teaching methods that leverage gamification to improve mental health outcomes.
    - Parenting: Gain insights and resources to support young people's mental well-being.
    - Healthcare Improvement: Stay updated on the latest advancements in diagnosis and management of mood disorders.
    - Co-Creation: Actively participate in co-creating the SMILE solutions.

    Choose your area of interest and join our community today!

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